Thursday, May 11, 2023



➤Registration location (5/11-Day1) and Seminar location (5/12-Day2)

The main venue is the Beitou Resort near Fuxinggang  station (R-28, Tamsui Line) exit 2.

Please follow the website :

Beitou Resort, Taipei Taiwan.

➤Experience activities (5/13-Day3)

Please assemble in front of the conference room between 8:50 to 9:00 a.m.

Post-processing of dyed handkerchief and precautions Step 1: Dry the handkerchief. Step 2: Rinse the handkerchief. (It is normal for blue water to flow out.) Step 3: Dry the handkerchief again. * If the handkerchief feels rough, soak it in fabric softener for 10 to 15 minutes. * If your clothes are stained with dye solution, rub the clothes with soap or dish detergent and rinse with water.

염색한 손수건의 후처리 및 주의사항
Step 1: 손수건을 말린다.
Step 2: 손수건을 씻어 낸다. (푸른 물이 흘러나오는 것은 정상이다.)
Step 3: 다시 손수건을 말린다.

* 손수건이 까슬까슬한 느낌이 든다면 섬유 유연제에 10~15분간 담가 두면 된다.
* 옷에 염색액이 얼룩진 경우에는 비누나 주방 세제로 옷을 문질러서 물로 씻어 낸다.

染めたハンカチの後処理と注意事項 ステップ1:ハンカチを乾かします。 ステップ2:ハンカチをすすぎます。(青い水が流れ出るのは正常です。) ステップ3:ハンカチを再び乾かします。 ハンカチが粗く感じる場合は、柔軟剤に10〜15分間浸してください。 染料液で衣類が汚れた場合は、石けんや洗剤でこすり洗いし、水で洗い流してください。

Tuesday, May 2, 2023


>>Instruction for Oral presentation

• Each presenter is allocated 10 minutes, including an 8-minute presentation and a 2-minute Q&A session.

Each presenter should provide a poster for further discussions.

• The poster size should be 841 mm width x 1189 mm height.

Please download the Conference Manual on your own.


>>Instruction for Poster Presentation

• The poster session will take place on Friday, 12 May, from 09:30 to 18:00. The poster contest will begin at 15:50 and end at 18:00. Please remove the poster afterwards. Please note that this is the ONLY time that your poster will be displayed. During this interactive session, you will have the opportunity to meet with other conference participants, present your work, and answer their questions about your poster. Be prepared to engage with referees and answer their questions.

• The poster size should be 841 mm width x 1189 mm height.

Please download the Conference Manual on your own.